When real men go fishing!

The weather was Westerly, 25-30 knots, gusting 35-40 during the day. Me and Ed were men with a free fishing day and a mission to get dinner. She’s a solid vessel, no kids in sight, so we left Pine Harbour at 8am, called the Coastguard and headed to Home Bay, Motutapu.


It was bloody rough all the way across (We were the only idiots out there), but got worse during the day and even worse on the way home. Fun stuff… We had to tack home to avoid the broach angle from the huge rollers.

What we knew of course was that on the lee side of Motutapu it’d be smooth. Despite the severe wind warnings over Auckland and the whitecaps everywhere, it was like an oasis behind the islands. After the heavy dodgy haul across, to find a glassy bay makes it all worth the effort.

We also popped over to Rakino. Was lovely there. Caught heaps of 25-29cm’s and Kahawai  but found a wee spot on the way back and we both picked up a couple of nice keepers for dinner. 3x 32cm’s and a 40cm.

So both me and Ed had snapper sandwiches the next day!

It was an adventure! Love a bit of rough weather – Good experience!




This is on the back of Rakino. You wouldn’t know there was a gale in force on the other side!



Ed, the man getting his fish groove on!



My nice 40cm one. Good to see a nice panny! We obeyed the new limit and still got a good feed! This one had glowing blue fins!


Isn’t this a beautiful sight. After the effort to get them it was food well earned! Tasted amazing as usual. Hopefully some more in near future.


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