Ben and Julian’s day off…

Ben and I both managed to get a free day so decided to go on a mission. We left Pine Harbour after work on Friday and headed to Matiatia where we anchored for the night. Next time we’ll choose a place where the ferry doesn’t come in and rock the boat but it was beautiful. We had a couple of dolphins (One a baby) playing behind the boat. Hot milo’s while we striped down and fixed a few broken reels.

Next day was Channel Island for Kingies but they were elusive. So off to Happy Jacks in the Coromandel where Ben caught one keeper and about 40 undersized snappers.

Then back to Waiheke where I told Ben we’d fish a falloff down the side of Shag Island. Good burley and we were into the fish! Over the next hour or two we got our limit and filled the freezer! Good job! We also had some scraps with a good number of rat kings and ben even hooked two at once – funny! We saw piper, caught Trevally, Rock Cod and a few live baits. These were put down on the reef and both swallowed by Kings. I also missed both these strikes but better luck next time!

Thanks Ben for the great company, and a fantastic trip!


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